Monday 21 February 2011

Photography has resumed

We're back in business - well, apart from the computer . . . .  and the bandsaw.  Well, one out of three's not bad!  Bob had to do the modem-reset thing to get into the internet and we're still waiting for the bearings for the bandsaw.  But we have a new camera - not new actually, Ben has a whizzy SLR camera now and so doesn't use his little one, so we did a deal, called in last night, had a quick lesson and are up and running again.  It has loads more settings and options than ours did which is a bit of a worry.  No doubt it'll be like everything else - cook everything on Gas Mk 6, wash everything on setting number 5, take all the photos on 'normal' mode - easy, that way you don't have to think!

So, after a lovely, lazy weekend away (the weather was rubbish so no choice really - shame, eh?),  We were back to work today.  The plasterboard was supposed to be delivered, but apparently the delivery truck was as dead as a Dodo so it should come tomorrow.  As the bandsaw's out of action, we took the oak for the window sills for the little draft-hole windows in the extension to Dad's at the weekend and cut them there which meant that Bob could get on with them today.  I spent ages drawing pictures - yawn, yawn, yawn!  I drew out all the studwork we've done and took measurements of everything so that when it is covered with plasterboard, we'll know where we can or can't drill and where we're likely to get a fixing for shelves, pictures, etc.  It seemed to take forever and I got very, very bored with it, but I'm glad it's done - it will make life easier in the future.   I thought to start with that I could just take photos and write the measurements on, but as you can see, it's all a bit complicated and wouldn't really work! 

We also used up the last of the battens we have (more coming with the plasterboard tomorrow) on the bedroom ceiling.  I think that will be the first bit to get plasterboarded. 

The chickens didn't seem to have missed us much - too busy pecking away at the savoy cabbage we'd left hung up in the run.  When we got back last night, Bob went to tuck them in and found Molly asleep in the nestbox sitting on top of an egg box full of eggs.  The training is working - they now lay and package the eggs for us, how clever!  Just need to train them to write the date on them and we're sorted.  I've a sneaking suspicion that they had some help from Phil and Ann with the packaging part!  Molly has looked a bit off colour today (maybe it is the stress of putting eggs in a box) so Bob made her some special porridge with chicken tonic in it and she seemed to enjoy that and perk up a bit after.  We'll keep an eye on her - poor old lady.

I forgot to tell you about the hairdressing I've been doing recently.  On Thursday our 16 year old neighbour asked if I'd cut her hair to save her £15 at the hairdressers.  It was a bit stressful!  She has a very smart turquoise mohican with the sides clipped, long green 'sideburns' and a long purple (I think it's purple, but the light wasn't good - ha, ha, not ideal for this sort of job!) bit at the back.  So, I was under strict instructions not to touch the long bits or coloured bits, just use the clippers on the side bits.  It was quite fiddly, I can tell you and at one point I got a bit of mohican caught in the clipper and was horrified to see a turquoise bit come off - luckily Bob was standing by the bin and I quickly picked it up, did a backhand pass and he binned it before she noticed.  Phew - it was actually only a very tiny bit so I didn't feel too guilty!  Anyway, she seemed happy enough with the finished article and I saw her Mum today who said she hadn't heard any complaints.  We do end up doing some bizarre things here, you know.

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