In the Beginning . . . .

When we very first moved here I niaively thought I might write a diary.  Who did I think I was kidding?  My hand aches after just a few lines because I so rarely actually write anything anymore.  It didn't last long and I later started this blog.  It is now January 2013 and I have just found those few pages of handwritten notes and thought I'd add them to this so everything's in one place:

6 July 2008  To Lake Bala for white water rafting (cancelled because of lack of water, but we had a weekend away anyway).  So, as we were passing, thought we'd have a look at this house.  Just out of interest, but because it is so close to the quarry we wouldn't like it  . . . . we loved it!  Sunny day, buzzard overhead, friendly local (Ray) walking dog all helped.  Persuaded ourselves that the quarry was too much of a risk so went home to forget about it.  In a bored moment Bob checked out the quarry on t'internet - it has won awards for returning the old part (near the cottage) back to nature, rare species growing there, etc.  Stores Cottage (previous potential project) was not going well, so we offered £135k for the cottage and agreed on £137,500 on 17 July!

Problems with the water supply - fire hydrant, boundary box and water pipe with tap sticking out of the ground, but Severn Trent claimed to know nothing about it.  No customer number so it took ages to sort out, but eventually exchanged and completed on 8 October (my birthday!).

9 & 10 October 2008  Booked a B&B in next village (Bill & June) and spent two days at the cottage.  First thoughts  . . . . . wow, we've done it now - what are we going to do?!  Bought pasties at the local shop and sat at the top for lunch - beautifully sunny, two buzzards and everything seemed good (so long as you don't look inside the cottage!).  Cleared the age-old cow muck out of the first barn (lounge) and created a compost heap.  A little shrew ran in, thought 'what's happened to my muck?' and ran out again.  Found two very tiny horse shoes?  Can't imagine a pony small enough (Mum thinks they're donkey shoes).  Also cleared the steps up to the top to make them safer.

Next day, after an amazing tour of Bill's garden and pools (two kingfishers flew across the pool and passed just a few feet away), went to Vyrnwy Caravan Park.  Arranged for them to check access later that day.  Went back and started covering the water pipe and filling in the trench.  Wes came and was doubtful about getting a large van onto the site - thought 30ft would be the most.  Went back to Vyrnwy Caravans to see what you get for your money - one appalling one and one pretty good one for £1,000 - 10ft wide, but 34ft long!  John (the boss?) couldn't locate a shorter one so back to the cottage so John could measure properly and he thought there would be no problems so we shook on the better of the two (delivery inc).  What nice, helpful people!  Wes will need white coffee, two sugars and any biscuits to keep him happy when he delivers the caravan!  Made a temporary house name sign from a piece of slate which was lying around.

15 October 2008  Bob and Chris (Bob's brother-in-law) and his little digger spent the day at the cottage to clear the site for the caravan.  Quite exciting when Chris turned up in the dark (6.30am) with the digger on the trailer to pick Bob up - it suddenly felt real and as though we are actually going to do this!

They cleared the pile of soil where the caravan will stand, cleared the pile of rubble behind the hedge, pulled out the very solid gatepost (two pieces of railway track set into a big lump of concrete) and cleared the hedge back to the fire hydrant.  They also filled in the trench where the water pipe is and knocked the wall down alongside that to allow a wide gap to swing the caravan into.  Unfortunately they uncovered a big mass of hazel root growing in the corner where the house and the lean-to meet - this could be a problem if it is growing into the wall.  Someone had hidden it by piling soil over it!

19 & 20 October 2008   The caravan's being delivered on Monday (20th) at about 9am, so B&B at Bill and June's again.  Mum and Dad came too and got on with June like a house on fire - she knew someone who did teacher training at Loughborough with Dad.  His family owned the shop in St Martins where June grew up.

On Sunday we unloaded Mum and Dad's trailer full of bits, put doors on the barn and a lock on the hayloft, etc.  Food in the village pub in the evening.

Early start on Monday - Chris and digger already at the cottage when we got there.  He went off to investigate the quarry and get stone to provide grip for getting the caravan up the slope and into place.

Frank and Wes arrived with the van and had to do a 149 point turn at the top of the lane to get it facing the right way.  Had to hold trees out of the way so they didn't damage the lorry mirrors or flick the caravan. 

Written on the back of their cab was the caption "Another
day in paradise".  Felt very apt!
They then unloaded the caravan and towed it down the lane with their Landrover.  Chris had to widen the lane in places.  Very tight getting the caravan round and onto the site, then quite a job pushing it up the slope - almost too much for the Landrover so Chris attached a chain and took some of the strain with the digger.  Levelling the van on such a slope also took quite a bit of doing.  We had to run round finding bits of slabs, bricks, wood, etc to help.  The sun shone though, the storm kettle provided tea and coffee and everyone did a brilliant job - and had a really good laugh doing it.

We had lunch in the caravan then Mum set to cleaning it.  Chris dug a trench for water and electric.  The weather changed in the afternoon and we had a very wet, muddy and cold time sorting out the trench.  The electricians called to see what needed doing to connect the van and put in some building sockets outside the cottage.  Also met some neighbours walking dogs.

22 October 2008  Electric connected while we weren't there.

25 - 27 October 2008  Moving in weekend!  Completion on the old house set for 27th.  Drove both cars (full of bits) and trailer with the Triumph over on Saturday morning.  Dumped everything into the caravan and barn and picked up van in Oswestry at lunchtime.  I drove the van back to Kettering and Bob drove the Astra and trailer.  Arrived back at 4.30pm and loaded the van up with boxes and big stuff.  All went very smoothly.  Back to the cottage on Sunday morning to unload and then back to Kettering.  Load van and trailer with garage and shed bits, white goods, etc.  Really hard work and had to stop at about 9pm because we were too tired to think straight.  Ordered pizza and couldn't eat it quick enough!

Up early on Monday to finish packing and take the last bits to the tip and clean the house.  at 9.30am the solicitor rang to say he had received the money - when would we be out?  Aaaah!  Though we'd have longer than that.  Finally left at about midday - this meant time was really tight to get the van back by 5pm - made it with 2 minutes to spare!  The BT man (Richy) arrived just as we were about to leave so had to be a bit rushed with him.

Back at the caravan we had electricity, but no gas or water connected.  Really cold so thank goodness for the two electric heaters, bed socks and hot water bottles.

Moving in day - gosh were we ready for that curry!
Off to the pub for something to eat . . . . they don't do food on Mondays!  So explored Oswestry and got an Indian takeaway (brilliant because there was loads, so enough for Tuesday tea too).
  Surprisingly, the TV worked so we could watch Spooks - very civilised!

Tuesday  trying to sort out the caravan so we could actually move, trips to the builders merchants, bank, etc.  Coffee with Richy the BT man - nice chap.

Wednesday  Connect water is a priority - lying under the caravan it began to snow heavily (winter is really here and what timing).  Took caravan door and frame out so we could (just) squeeze our fridge in.  (In the next few days we also ripped out the double bed and put our kingsize bed in - a real squeeze to move around, but at least when you're in bed it's comfy and you get a good night's sleep, thought that might be important in the months to come!  We also took the three - yes three! - kiddy beds out of the other bedroom and put Ben's extra long bed and a tall bookshelf in there.  Couldn't stand all the flowery patterns everywhere - different flowery pattern on the curtain, walls, tiles and settee - so magnolia-ed over some of it.)

My overriding memories of this first week were of suddenly having to think about basic survival things (sounds dramatic I know) - getting water, staying warm, keeping things dry, all things we didn't ever have to think about in our comfy four bed detached housing estate existence!  We also felt very close to nature - we certainly knew the temperature outside before we got out of bed, but with the huge picture window at the end of the caravan we really felt we were in the woods with the birds and other creatures.  Despite the struggles, it was a joy to get up every morning . . . we were on our adventure!
It was so cold we had to warm our bananas before we
could eat them - didn't have to do that in the old house!

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