Friday 2 September 2011

Fun in paradise . . . NOT!!!

So, another whole week gone and here we are in September.  It's been really autumnal here with a definite chill in the air in the mornings, well on the way to being dark by 8.30pm and red and gold coming through on the trees.  We have been inundated with gifts of plums and apples from friends and neighbours - luckily our own seem to be holding back a bit and aren't quite ready yet.  We would also have a lovely crop of hazelnuts by now if the pesky squirrels hadn't already had them all off the trees and strewn along the lane while still green.  We have a little hazel in the middle of lots of holly and that kept its nuts much longer than the rest and we thought we might actually get to try some.  Then one day last week a squirrel found a way through the holly and stripped the lot!  I told you about the squirrel that has taken it upon itself to act as our alarm clock very early every morning throwing hawthorn stones on the caravan roof . . . well it is really, really getting annoying!  Bob has stormed out of bed a few times, grabbed the air rifle and gone hunting.  This morning I went and there were at least six of them at it!  We just don't seem to be able to get rid of them and we'd really love a lie-in!  HELP!!

Yesterday the plumber was supposed to come to fit the new manifold for the solar tubes . . . . . guess what?  He didn't come.  Apparently, the manifold (which was supposed to arrive while he was on his honeymoon) hadn't turned up and no-one knew anything about it.  I must admit, my first thought was that he hadn't done anything about it before he went away and I was seething about it all.  It turns out though that the manufacturer wants the manifold back to test before they will replace it.  The plumber is really annoyed because they won't pay for his time sorting it out (and obviously we aren't going to pay him for that time either), but that is between him and them.  We're just really annoyed that they won't take his word (as one of their accredited engineers) that the problem is a manufacturing one and replace the part up front.  It could take ages to get the part to them (in Ireland), have it tested, send a new one and get it fitted.  As it is, we've wasted all the summer's hot water potential and will now have to wait longer.  From a purely practical point of view, while they look at the manifold we will have to store 30 solar tubes safely and I really don't know how or where we will do that.  You can't leave them outside as they will still heat up, but have nowhere to dump the heat, we don't have the boxes or packing pieces and they will be in the way wherever we put them!    Aaaaarghhh!  Also yesterday my stereo went on the blink and no sound came out.  Does anyone repair these things anymore or are you supposed to just throw them away and get a new one?  I saved for months and months to buy that way back when I was a single mum and I really like it (no flashing lights or gizmos, just small, neat and smart).  Also, the fridge door won't close properly for some reason and, when I went to Marks and Spencer to pick up some of their real bargain, end of the day reduced stuff that I see go through the tills whenever I'm at work. . . . they didn't have any!!!  Aaaaand, the doors aren't back from the strippers because he is having trouble getting the gloopy varnish off.  So, by bedtime we were both feeling really annoyed and quite fed-up.  Not much fun to be had in paradise at the moment, that's for sure!

Still, today's another day and I have spoken to the chap from Warmflow in Ireland whose only suggestion was that we should buy another manifold to put straight on the roof when the other comes off and then if it turns out to be a manufacturing problem they will refund the money . . . . mmmmmm.  The plumber may have had a bit more luck with Warmflow's rep in England who is talking to the Director about it and says he will get a manifold to us.  We should know more on Monday.

On a more postive note (now I've had a real good moan) I have now tiled the new worktop in the utility room and it just needs grouting.  Bob has made a little peg board which is now fixed above the radiator in the ensuite for our towels, ooohh, toasty towels, can't wait.  He has also sorted out the bit of worktop to the side of the kitchen sink.  I think I told you ages ago about elaborate plans for the awkward space next to the inglenook which is too big not to use, but would be really awkward to get to with worktop around the sink.  Well, we've scrapped those plans and have a simpler solution.  In the alcove we will have a little dresser-type set of cupboards (eventually) but it will be accessable by having a drop-leaf worktop instead of a fixed one - dah, dah, problem solved.  Bob has also put the weather strips on the outside doors (the bits of wood on the outside that stop the rain dripping down the bottom of the door and inside).  They have been made for ages, just not attached.  Today he has been unearthing the telephone cable which wends its way around the garden to the caravan, but will of course need re-routing to the house and burying.  In order to do that, he had to move a big pile of logs and so he has also started constructing a log store.  We will need several I think for logs at various stages of seasoning.  Yesterday a chap came to sort out the gas connection for the cooker and this afternoon we wired it in.  So, I have been playing and I managed to set the timer and get it to come on and switch off automatically.  All quite exciting!  The grill pan is even big enough for more than two slices of toast at once which is really exciting after the tiny caravan one!
Everyone relaxing after a nice cup of tea this afternoon!
Sshhh, Elvis is actually asleep!!

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