Wednesday 4 April 2012

Just look at what we woke up to this morning . .

Just look at what we woke up to this morning . . . . . .

         . . . . . . . after 25 degrees last week, this is a bit of a change!  It carried on snowing quite heavily all morning before it turned to slushy rain.  This wasn't nice fluffy white snow, it was wet, cold, horrible snow.  I think it's supposed to be quite cold tonight too, so it'll be ice tomorrow.  It's a real shame because all the blossom has just come out on the trees and bushes and this could well do for it.  We have a lot of bushes that were cut down to the ground before we moved here which we think are damsons, but they have only just got big enough to have blossom and, therefore, fruit.  They were covered, so we thought we'd know for sure what they are before long, but maybe we'll have to wait until next year now.  Our bit of woodland is also carpetted with violets, primroses and cowslips with wood anemones and sorrel coming through, just lovely.  They should be alright I think as they are sheltered by the trees.

We got our new energy certificate and the new scores on it, taking into account the solar panels, are 100% of this building's potential - pretty good, eh?  I'm actually not too sure what the potential score really means, because we could, obviously, improve our score by installing photovoltaic panels which would mean we exceed the potential . . . should that be possible?

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