Friday 6 July 2012

Another lovely summer's day . . . .

So, today it has been tipping down, absolutely pouring, incessantly and non-stop.  What do you think we've been doing in this horrid weather?  Catching up on paperwork, knitting by the fire - no, we have Carol and Graham here for a couple of nights, so this is what we've been up to . . . .

As a nod to the weather, we decided to do some inside
work first.  So we took the remaining inside walls out
of the caravan. 
But then we thought 'Sod the weather, let's just get on with
it!'.  Carol and Graham had come specifically for some mindless
destruction and we didn't want to disappoint. 
So we pulled the aluminium off the sides. . .
. . . then folded it up and took all the masses of thick
insulation out of the walls.  That's it look - less than 10mm
of ordinary polystyrene!  When Graham was prising off a
piece of gutter it suddenly gave and he got covered in slimy
rotting leaves and stuff.  Poor thing, but it was quite funny and we
weren't much help because we were laughing too much.
Now we have a wooden caravan . . . .  a big pile of
aluminium sheet, and a trailer full of polystyrene.
But, we decided it was a bit dark inside and so we should
try taking the roof off to bring a bit more light in.  So, back
inside to rip down the ceiling and remove yet more
insulation - 1" of rockwool.  D'you know it's a wonder we
didn't roast in that caravan!
And then you can just lift the roof off!
Strangely, when we'd taken out all the roof timbers, the
ceiling seemed a lot lower, much lower and we
couldn't walk around.  Then one bit sagged in and all
the water that had gathered there slopped in.  Luckily, none of
us were standing there at the time!
Oooh!  Andy Murray just got through to the final at Wimbledon!  Just got a bit distracted by that, sorry.

We then pulled the roof into the caravan and literally just rolled it up!
Then all that was left was to collapse the walls inwards.
Job done!  Not bad for a morning's work I don't think.
By the time we had finished we were all well and truly soaked through to the pants and there was nothing for it but to strip off and all get in the shower (not all together!), put the washer on and light the fire and have a lazy afternoon. . . . .  oh, and now we're having a beer to celebrate (of course!).

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