Friday 18 January 2013

Weather update - brrrrr!

The bread and butter pud was really good - definitely one to make again. The forecasted snow has arrived.  I'd say we've had about 5" and it's still snowing.  We went for a walk round the block (by block I mean lanes and paths) - not many people about!  I guess if it'd been sunny there'd be lots of people out in it, but to be honest it's just dull and cold.  The snowplough has been out and cleared the main lane and a bit down everyone's drive, but didn't come down our lane at all . . . that's nice isn't it?
Here's the view from our bedroom window
And again from the bedroom window.  The chickens really
didn't know what to make of it - especially when they
tried to go down the steps and found there wasn't anything
solid underneath!  They enjoyed their warm pea and raisin
porridge though - mmmmm, dishilicious.
And here's one I forgot to put on last time - sunrise from
the lounge doorway.  It looked far more dramatic than
this in real life.

Last night I found some archive footage which I will type up for you before too long.  It's from when we very first moved here.  Before I started this blog and I thought I might write a diary - what was I thinking!  Bob and I had already forgotten half the stuff I'd written so it was quite interesting for us to read.

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