Thursday 7 November 2013

All one happy family

The chickens appear to have stopped fighting (thank goodness) and Lottie now follows Horse around all day.  If you were to put it into human terms, I get the feeling that Horse views her as a pesky, annoying little sister.  Lottie still thinks she's in charge, but as she doesn't know her way around it doesn't really work very well as once she's bustled up to the others in a bossy way, she then has to wait for them to show her what to do.  Quite funny really.  A few days ago, when the others were still very wary of her, Bob went up to check that they were all tucked up in bed.  They were, with Horse and Peggy squashed at one end of the perch and Lottie at the other, but surprisingly Dot was down Lotties end looking sleepy.  She woke up when Bob opened the door and looked horrified to find herself on her own at Lottie's end and very quickly shuffled to the other end.  They are funny.  Anyway, they all tolerate each other now and Lottie is learning the ropes and seems to be quite enjoying her new home and friends.  It has been quite hard to get a photo of her because she is quite well camouflaged against the mud and fallen leaves, but here she is with her giant friends:

Finally, finally, finally after asking for ever, I have had an extra day added to my contract at M&S which is good . . . . . isn't it . . . . . extra money, always useful . . . . no, honestly, I am pleased . . . . really!  So, I will now work four days a week which I really need to do, but to be honest I wish I didn't.  At least I won't have to rely on the very unreliable extra hours at their whim and I should be able to just do my contracted days and know where I am, so it is good really - I just can't get that excited about it. 

We have a mystery guest visiting this weekend.  My friend from a million years ago is coming for the weekend - we had our first babies the same night and made friends in hospital, so not actually a million years, but 27 which is nearly as long!  It will be lovely to see her and catch up on all the news of the last few years and she is bringing a 'friend', but we don't know a name, boy/girl or any other details, just that they eat anything, so that's the important thing.

Bob has a stall at a craft fair at the local art gallery at the end of November which is exciting.  We have been hunting all around to find all the bits and pieces of stock we have stored ready to sell.  We have found enough to make a good display along with the new chairs he's made and I have made some greetings cards, so it should look OK.  The stall only costs £20 so you don't have to sell too much to cover costs and it's a good first step to getting his name known and a chance to give out some business cards (so long as we get around to making some!).

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