Sunday 20 July 2014

Weeding, weeding, weeding!

Weeding, weeding, weeding!  That seems to be what my life has consisted of for the last couple of weeks.  In some places they were way taller than me and so it has been quite a satisfying job.  I have pretty much been over the whole garden.  Course, the first bit I did is now sprouting again.  I'm hoping now that we'll just be able to keep strimming them until they give in!
About a year after we moved here Mum gave us three Catoneasters which we planted, but they didn't thrive we didn't see them again.  When I was pulling up weeds along the side of the path, what do you think I found?  Yep, two little Catoneasters looking surprisingly healthy and since being uncovered they've grown about six inches!  What have they been doing for the last three years?!  We also have lots of Evening Primrose - again we planted some in the first year or so and then they disappeared for a few years and now they're back.  Even more of a mystery is very bright red little snapdragon that has appeared at the side of the gateway into the field, where we walk quite often.  We have no snapdragons, nor never have we and we've never seen it before.  Who knows what will pop up next - keeps it interesting.
We've had a couple of meal's worth of peas
from the garden - yum, they're so much nicer
than bought ones.  Mind you most don't make
to the pan - I just love the little baby ones straight
from the pod!
We've also harvested our first batch of garlic and I plaited them
to hang in the kitchen to keep vampires away - well, it's worked
so far!  We did an experiment planting some in the Autumn and
some in the Spring.  These are the some of the Autumn ones - the
Spring ones are really weedy and will have to pull their socks up
big time if they are going to make anything of themselves!
Bob has had a stand at the Big Art Show on the showground in Shrewsbury this weekend.  I went with him yesterday and it was a complete washout - literally!  It poured most of the day with thunder to go with it.  So, that coupled with the lack of advertising meant that it was a bit of a disaster.  It should have been so good - there were four big marquees full of stands as well as lots of individual stalls.  There was live music (the poor chaps had an audience of two most of the time), a Pimms tent (I didn't see anyone there at all), several food stalls (at 1pm when everyone should have been queuing for their lunch the queue was about one person long at each) and someone had to wake the girl up on the ice-cream van to buy a cone!  It was hard to guage how many people were visitors because I think most of the people we spoke to were actually other stallholders having a look around.  Oh well, maybe with the sunshine today Bob will have had a really good day and sold everything on the stall!  You never know.

I didn't go to help Bob today so that I could do some cooking for the freezer - it's looking a bit bare as I've been lost in the jungle of weeds for so much of the last two weeks.  So, I've made a bakers dozen chicken and veg pies, a huge batch of chilli to be divided up, beefburgers, cheesecake, tiffin and a pastry case and got the stuff ready for tea . . . . what a lot of washing up!

Ready for a beer now . . . . . come home Bob!

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