Tuesday 24 August 2010

Oh, now I've got a blackeye!

OK, so now I've got a black eye - I did just try taking a photo of myself, but close-up and at this time in the morning (6.45am) it's not a pretty sight, so I couldn't inflict that on you.

Yesterday afternoon, Bob was getting on with the oak joints, so I decided to carry on with yet more pointing.  This time in what will be our bedroom, which means upstairs so I had to put some boards across the rafters and take everything up the ladder (and then try to remember not to step back while I was working up there).  Managed that OK.  I then had to move everything along to the next section.  Now when Bob gets his teeth into a job he is totally absorbed in that and doesn't really take any notice of anything else going on - least of all what the unskilled labourer is doing.  When I asked, he helped move the planks along, but then disappeared quick sharp back to his woodwork before I could pass stuff down, so I had to squeeze down the ladder, between the rafters carrying various buckets, etc and stupidly caught the cable leading to the cable-reel which was precariously balanced on a rafter as I did so bringing it crashing down on top of me.  Why didn't I move that first - stupid girl!  Anyway the plastic edge of the reel bounced off my eye, knocking my glasses off and it HURT!!!!  Made me cry even - how stupid did that feel, but it really did hurt.  Luckily I had unplugged the light from the cable or I'd have had a very hot builders light on my head too!  So now I have a black eye and a small cut above my eye and, as I only realised during the night when I couldn't sleep because my shoulder hurt each time I turned over, the cable reel obviously caught my shoulder too as it bounced down.  So feeling a bit sorry for myself now!

Anyway, enough of that!  This morning we spoke to the architect about head height and it seems that the only way we could reduce the size of the joists is by adding one or possibly two purlins (they go across the ceiling under the joists) which would probably have to be a foot deep .  . . . well that kinda defeats the object doesn't it?  So, I think we'll forget that idea and just be careful how we arrange the furniture.  Or we could have one of those height restriction charts like they have on the rides at Alton Towers to say 'If you are above this height we're sorry you can't stay in this room'.  Not so easy when Ben is 6'7" and Laura is 6"!!

We also wrote a letter to the Planning Officer asking if we could put an extra window in to let more light in.  In the past these minor amendments to the plans could be dealt with by writing a letter, attaching a drawing and then popping in to see the planning man at a drop in session, you could chat it through, he could tell you yes or no or what would be possible and then he'd confirm that in writing a couple of days later.  Not anymore.  Now you have to download a four page application form from their website (not easy to find the form), complete that with many of the details of the original application that they already hold on their computer, send four copies of that and any supporting drawings, etc (so that was 24 sheets of paper) to Shrewsbury so they can scan them onto their computer system - so why do they need four copies?  Eventually this all goes to the guy in Oswestry for him to rubber stamp and we should have a decision in about a month.  Well, that's progress for you!

So, a pretty crappy day yesterday.  But, today's another day - I'm off to Sainsburys again today as we have visitors tomorrow.  My sister, her husband and two teenage daughters are coming for the day.  I always worry that they'll be bored, especially the girls, but they seem to enjoy it.  Ellie, the youngest at 13 thought this was a fairytale place the first time she came and can't wait to get her wellies on and scramble about the cliff and woods.  Sophie is not quite so enthusiastic, but when she was given a get-out clause last time she, apparently, looked horrified at the thought.  It's funny, we get a lot more visitors now we live in a caravan than we ever did in our four-bed house!  That's actually really nice - lets hope it continues when we finally have proper accomodation (even if you can't stand up in it!).

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