Sunday 28 November 2010


It's just a little bit cold here!  According to a neighbour with a minimum/maximum thermometer, it was -12 degrees last night.  I can well believe it too as there was hard ice all over the inside of the windows this morning - usually it's just at the bottom.  Bob and I were actually warm enough last night though and both quite surprised to have slept well without waking up shiverring.  I set the bedroom heater to come on for half an hour at about 3am which seems to make a huge difference.  I usually wake up cold just after that, so I guess it stops that happening and is just enough to keep the chill off.

It has been an absolutely beautiful day here though with the sun shining on the snow.  In fact, at lunchtime we were too hot in the caravan and had to open the door!  Unbelievable, but this tin box does warm up a lot if the sun shines.  The temperature was back down to -5 by four o'clock though, so I think we're in for another chilly night.

I have to confess, this picture is from last year (we don't have quite this much snow yet).  I am just getting so bad at remembering to take photos and it's not until I sit down to write this in the evening that I think 'darn! Should've taken a photo or two'.  I must try harder!  But, I do like this photo, so it's worth sharing.

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