Saturday 6 November 2010

Meet the new girls

Well, here they are - no names yet because I can't really tell them apart.  We didn't hear a peep out of them all night.  Really expecting a riot when they all woke up, but it was suspiciously quiet.  So we got up early - couldn't stay in bed for wondering what they were up to.  When we opened the house they were all bumbling around looking a bit bewildered (pobably wondering what that strange baby powder smell was!), but Molly and Elvis came out for their breakfast as usual and the other two stayed in the house.  So, we put a bowl of food in the house for them and then stood back to see what happened.  One of them did venture out and Molly looked a bit surprised, gave her a quick peck and then froze in the submissive way chickens do when they are lower down the pecking order.  Confused chicken I think!  Oh, it would make such an interesting psychological study.  Elvis stayed out of the way then decided this was probably the only time in her life she's had chance to bully anyone, so had a bit of a peck which sent the new one back into the house.  We left them all together for about an hour and, apart from a lot of noisy complaining from Molly, they seem to be OK.

Molly and Elvis are now in the garden with some corn on the cob and the other two have the run to themselves to give them time to get to know where they are and where everything is.  We'll let them out into the wide world once they know where to go back to.

Oh, by the way, welcome to Dad who I've just noticed has registered as a follower of this blog.  I'm up to five now, how exciting!

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