Tuesday 8 March 2011

Edward Pancake

It's pancake day, so meet Edward!  Ben said he and a friend from uni were having a competition to make the best teddy-shaped pancake, so I thought I'd have a go.  He looked a bit miserable though so I rolled him up and ate him with a squirt of lemon!

We are now onto advanced-level window reveal curving!  The downstairs windows are done, but they are just beginners level - they have straight tops to them.  Upstairs we have to take into account the slope of the ceiling - it's all a bit too 3D!  We got one done without too much problem and have almost done the next.  Phil and Ann popped in for a chat and we were showing them what we were up to.  As they left, they apologised for holding us up and I cockily replied that just a few screws and we'd have it finished . . . . . I spoke too soon.  For some reason, this one just wouldn't go and we had a whole lot of fiddling about to do.  In the end, we've had to scrape out some of the expanding-foam glue we'd used to help the screws, put some more in and then clamp it all into the curve.  So we've left that to dry and hope it fits tomorrow.  That'll teach me to be cocky!

This is what it all looks like from the wrong side.  It's a bit like building a wooden plane.  By the time each bit is done, it is almost solid timber!  So, if this one fits tomorrow morning, we can then get on with the ones in the en-suite and that'll be another job done, but I'm not saying a word about how long it'll take!

I had my hospital appointment this morning and the conclusion was that the bumps on my legs were due to extreme cold!!!!  They are caused by cold injury to the subcutaneous fatty tissue to be exact.  Guess if I had skinny legs it wouldn't happen!!  Apparently horse riders get something similar?!  Her prescription for its treatment was to finish the cottage and move in before next winter!   

Molly continues to plod along.  She still eats and is happy enough dozing in a sunny spot, but she seems to fall over quite often and if she doesn't stabilise herself by spreading her wings and falls on her side she can't get up.  We were wondering whether to make her a little zimmerframe, or maybe some little stabiliser wheels like kiddies have on their bikes!  Oh, bless her.

Oh, I nearly forgot - last night's concert was really good, the band sounded just like they do on their CDs.  The venue was good too - I presume it used to be a little theatre so some people were sitting upstairs.  We were standing downstairs - it was a little crowded, but a really good atmosphere.  Bob and I felt like real country bumpkins driving through Birmingham city centre at rush-hour!  We enjoyed it so much we went round twice trying to find the Bullring carpark - well, we found it the first time, but I was in the wrong lane and there was nothing I could do to get over to the other side.  Think we'll stick to country lanes!

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