Friday 1 April 2011

Guess what we've been doing!

Very exciting today!!  Decorating, real decorating!!  We've put the first coat of paint on the bathroom and utility - they look like real rooms now!  Guess what colour . . . . . . . builders' standard . . . . magnolia.  It's actually quite a nice colour and probably would be good in most places, but I just can't bring myself to have it as the final colour - it's just such a cliche.  We bought a trade-size tub for base coats everywhere though - much cheaper than Dulux.  We thought it'd be really patchy after just one coat as the plaster just slurps it up, but it's done quite a good job - guess that's why the trade uses it. 

I got absolutely covered in paint spray from the roller and had to get the pan scrub to my arms to get it off!

We have the final paint for the bathroom.  It's one of Dulux's light-reflecting paints which is supposed to maximise the amount of light in dark rooms.  As there is just a rooflight and the tiny draft-hole we thought it may be a bit dim in there.  We used it in the old house when we were decorating ready to sell the house and several of the estate agents commented on how light and airy the bathroom was, so fingers crossed it'll work here too.

More skimming this afternoon - ooh, my right arm aches now!

The wrens were still in the nest in the 'lounge' for a couple of days, but we haven't seen them yesterday or today.  As I said, they have several nests to choose from each year, so maybe this one has been rejected again.  We'll have to keep an eye out and see if we can tell where they do actually nest, it was lovely last year to watch the babies leave the nest.  Bluetits are taking a lot of interest in the 'Quarry Workings Keep Out' sign across the lane (or rather in the pole it's mounted on).  There is a square hole in it half-way up and bluetits nested there last year - keep you posted.  Spring is definitely here - the daffodils are out at the side of the lane, our little wood is covered in violets, primroses and sorrel and the woods have taken on a bright green tinge.  The hawthorn has changed from having millions  balls of palest green all along its branchest to having tiny new and shiny leaves.  Everything seems full of promise - a really lovely time of year.

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