Friday 29 April 2011

Phase One Skimming finished!

Yeah, skimming phase one is finished and that includes the ceiling in the leant-to which we did this morning.  So, we can now put the skimming equipment away for a while - we've given Phil the Plaster his modified short trowel back.  I think, on the whole, we've quite enjoyed doing it, but are probably ready for a change now.  This afternoon we've finished the lime plaster first coat (needs a slightly smoother finishing coat before it can be limewashed) and re-pointed the little chimney in the kitchen.

The plumber didn't turn up on Tuesday (surprise, surprise), but we didn't know he wasn't coming until the end of the day, so instead of getting on with big jobs we did itsy bitsy things that we could easily stop when he got here.  Although it was a bit frustrating, it did mean that we got all sorts of bits and pieces done that we've been meaning to do for ages.  He had written the wrong 'Tuesday after the Bank Holiday'  down in his diary, so has promised he will be here next week.

So, next jobs will be to do that smoother coat on the lime plaster and then get a couple of coats of white limewash on it all.  We have ordered some yellow and red ochre pigments so we can tint the later coats of wash to give a slightly warmer cream colour.  Should be interesting - you really can't tell what colour it'll be until the next day when it's dry.  When you first put it on all you see is the pigment (so it'll look bright yellow!), but as it dries the white of the lime comes through and lightens it.  A bit of a leap of faith I think.  We will then be ready to lay some more floors.  In the kitchen we are re-using the original quarry tiles that were in there (supplemented by some we got from the salvage yard).  They've been stored outside for a year though, so we'll have to pressure wash them or something and then they'll need sorting.  As I said, I think these are original and there was quite a path worn in them from the doorway.  When we took them up, we didn't intend to put them back.  Had we decided in time, we could have labelled them in some way to re-lay them in the same place and keep the worn look which would have been lovely.  As it is, they are all mixed up and some are thicker than others, so it'll be quite a job to try to lay them so they look right and you don't trip over raised bits.  I'm dreading it to be honest, but hoping it'll be one of those jobs that isn't as bad as I fear!  Let you know.  We also need to order the floorboards for upstairs and get them laid . . . and lay the tiles in the hall and utility.  Then there is all the decorating to do and tiles to put on walls, window sills, etc.  The electrician is booked to do 2nd fix from 25 May, so got to get on!  Actually, he seems happy to come and do a day and then leave it a bit and do some more, which probably suits us best.

Bonny helping to remove the flowers
from the chives

Did you watch any of the Royal Wedding?  I have been a bit fed up with all the hype surrounding it, but was quite pleased that the 'have a cuppa while the plaster dries a bit' stage of the lean-to ceiling skimming coincided with the bride arriving at the abbey, so I watched that and then we saw the balcony bit when we had lunch.  It's all quite nice really - makes you quite proud to be British, we do pomp and ceremony very well don't we?  So, I've just raised a bottle of Crabbies Original Ginger Beer (my latest favourite tipple) in their honour . . . . . any excuse, eh!

Peggy relaxing on the bench

So, onto chickens.  Elvis is now laying properly again.  Bonny has seemed a bit off colour all day and has been moping around on her own.  We were sat on the beer bench with Phil, Ann and their son Andrew this afternoon (tea and coffee only I'm afraid) and were speculating as to what might be wrong when she started acting in a very peculiar way.  She was almost squatting and waddling up the slope with her wings out - quite alarming in a very funny way!  After a couple of minutes of this, a shell-less egg shot out and rolled off down the hill - amazing, I've never actually seen them lay an egg. 
Don't quite know what that was all about - she laid a normal one this morning, so no wonder she was feeling a bit off, so we told her that one a day was fine from now on and she perked up immediately.  What entertainment, eh?

We had a lovely afternoon yesterday with Jan and Arthur and then in the evening we went to Wrexham University . . . . . I had no idea Wrexham had  a uni!  I guess it's an off-shoot of the University of Wales or something.  Anyway, last week Bob had seen in the paper that the lead singer of a band we have seen before (Tim Booth from James, for those interested) was playing there.  We didn't expect to get tickets as we saw James at the NIA in Birmingham last year and it was absolutely packed - 1000s of people.  We went along on the off-chance - there were just 3 cars in the carpark and about 3 people in the lobby.  At the box office they said we could have the tickets half-price as it wasn't exactly a sell-out and gave us seats next to the centre aisle, 3 rows back!  There was less than 200 people there for the support band and a few more for the main act, but it was really good.  The audience were really enthusiastic and, as there were so few people he could wander around among the audience, sit on the edge of the stage for a chat and answer shouts from the audience.  Brilliant - I'm listening to the CD we bought after as I type.  We'll definitely keep an eye on who else plays there - what a bargain and only 15 miles away!

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