Wednesday 12 October 2011

Birthdays and bog brushes

We have finished skimming the oak room.  On Monday we did half the ceiling (too big to do all in one go).  Stupidly I had a shower when I got up and then did the plastering.    You can imagine what I looked like when I had finished - well and truly splattered!  So, I had to have another shower and wash my hair again before I could go to work.  This morning I was more sensible and left the shower until after the plastering.  Our skimming skills did come flooding back (thank goodness).  So, next job in there is to paint but we'd perhaps better let it dry for a day or two first.  The electrician is coming next week to liven up the sockets, light and underfloor heating.

It was my birthday at the weekend so we had a day off from building work.  I did still have to go to M&S for a 4 hour shift starting at 7am!  Still, once I had got over the injustice of having to be up so early on my birthday, it wasn't too bad and I was soon home again.  As Bob's Dad and stepmum (Arthur and Jan) were coming over in the afternoon, I made some scones.  Good job too because various neighbours called in and we spent the whole afternoon sat around the kitchen table with them and Jan and Arthur eating scones, drinking tea and eating chocolates (Ben had made me some homemade crunchies - yum, yum!) - what a lovely way to spend your birthday.  We then went out for a meal in the evening and I have to say that by the time I went to bed I felt just a little bit sick!

I haven't got round to making the blind for the utility room yet - not really a priority.  I did decorate a loo brush though!  Now, how many people do that of an evening?  Aren't loo brushes boring?!  We have one in the ensuite which we've had ages, it is ceramic with three ducks on it which is quite cute, but we couldn't find anything similar for the bathroom.  So we bought a plain white ceramic one and I got out my red nail varnish and black marker pen and it now has ladybirds climbing all over it.  Much better.

The plumber's coming again tomorrow - this is getting a tad monotonous isn't it?

Well, better get off to work now.

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