Saturday 29 October 2011

First overnight visitors

Well, we got the oak room sorted - just in time for Carol and Graham's visit.  I finished the curtains at 10.30pm the day before!  It all looked really quite good when we'd finished and we were very pleased with it. 

Eventually, this room will have twin beds in and this double bed will be in the other spare bedroom.  We need to dismantle this bed because we need to chop the footboard down so tall people (Ben and Laura) can hang their feet over the end. 

Bob worked hard to get the panelling finished.  This covers up the
underpinning (you can just see the concrete blocks at the bottom of the uncovered
wall).  The little top shelf on the panelling took ages because it is cut to fit all the
ins and outs of the stones.  We will paint all this when we take the bed down
which will probably be next week.

Here's the flat-pack settee almost put together.  It was actually really
easy to put together and is quite comfy.  It makes the room look quite posh - a
bedroom with a settee in it!  Or is it a lounge with a bed in it? 
Either way, we sat in there with a beer when we'd finished thoroughly
enjoying a soft seat at last!

Instead of going for a walk with Carol and Graham (they do that on normal
weekends away), we made them chop down trees.  Carol was like a
demon with the chainsaw and Bob and Graham could hardly keep up
with moving the trunk along for her to cut the next log off!

Carol and I did try chopping a tree down the old-fashioned way, but
it really didn't work too well - wrong sort of saw of course!
Then, after a bit of a snooze we all cooked the evening meal
(curry of course) and sat around the table talking into the night,
as they say.  Very enjoyable and our first overnight visitors seemed
to approve of the accomodation - phew!

Now then, what do you notice that is strange here?  The observant
among you will see that the middle egg is a rather strange pointy shape,
but that's not it.  No, the strange thing is that there are THREE eggs!!  Elvis
has started laying eggs again after months of not doing, bless her little cotton
socks.  They are a bit peculiar and I'm not sure how long she'll keep it up,
but it certainly surprised us.

Now I have a strange observation for you that doesn't really relate to anything in particular.  Since I have been working at Marks & Spencer I appear to have a 'helpful shop assistant' aura that goes with me everywhere.  When I was choosing a yoghurt in Sainsbury's on Thursday an old lady turned to me and demanded to know whether they sold low cholesterol yoghurt.  Of course I am a helpful shop assistant so I said I thought they sold very low fat ones.  And would that be suitable for her diabetic husband she wanted to know, well I thought natural yoghurt probably would be.  So where are they then?  I spent about 5 minutes finding the yoghurt and giving her dietary advice and then went on my way only to be accosted by another lady wanting me to show her where the Worcester sauce was.  Both asked me as though I worked there not as one customer to another and this is not the first time it has happened.  So what do you make of that - very strange.

Well, I'm on my own tonight.  Bob has been at his Dad's for the day and staying overnight.  I changed my shift to work the afternoon instead of the early one today and while they were changing it around they added on an extra four hours so I didn't finish until gone 8pm.  So, I've had my leftover curry for tea, written this and now I'm going to try and work out how to change all the clocks and timers and then I'm off to read my book in bed (it wasn't worth lighting the fire and it's getting a bit chilly now).  G'night!

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