Thursday 31 May 2012

Lashings of ginger beer

Once again, we haven't really done much house-wise because of family socialising.  Funny isn'r it, you go for months not seeing anyone and then we see just about everyone in a fortnight.  We went over to Peterborough after I finished work on the Sunday and stayed at Jan's (Bob's stepmum).  The Monday was Bob's Dad's birthday and so it seemed an appropriate time to sort out the rest of his ashes and they are now in the churchyard of the village where he spent the first 60 years of his life.  We took the opportunity of good weather to help Jan with lots of little jobs around the house and garden and we also caught up with my sister and her family. 

The day after we got back from Peterborough Ben and Lucy and Lucy came to stay for a few days on their way up to Scotland to see Laura.  The weather was absolutely fantastic and we spent most of the time pottering around outside.  They live in a flat and so really enjoyed the opportunity to be out in the sun having a barbeque and working on their tans in prep for a week in Tunisia next month.  Lucy even enjoyed doing some weeding - she can come again!

While they were here we went round to our Peregrine-spotting spot and were lucky enough to get a really good view of one of them.  It just sat posing on a jutting rock in the cliff-face while Ben took photos.  Ben was so pleased because it is a standing family joke that whenever he's around, the rare birds stay away.  We then tracked down the Greater Spotted Woodpecker nest in the woods across the lane and could watch the baby leaning out of the nest waiting for food.  Again, Ben took some photos but it was a little dark and with leaves in the way they may not be too clear.  If he sends me a copy of either I'll show them to you.

Look, we have our first rose . . . . well, we now have lots more, but this was the first one to open.  They are a bit obscured by the rabbit wire, but what can you do?  They are such a lovely colour and will look amazing in a few years when they've grown up the sides of the door.  We have also planted some tomatoes in a hanging basket.  Trouble is, the chickens got to one of the plants before I put them in the basket and did a bit of pruning so I'm not sure how well that one will do.

Ben and Lucy bought me a ginger beer plant - it's basically yeast and ginger and you mix them with warm water and then keep feeding it sugar and more ginger for a week before adding more water and sugar and bottling it.  We did that bit yesterday and we now have to wait a week before we can try it.  You can then re-use the sludge from the first lot to make another batch.  Should be interesting - it'll either be delicious or disgusting, but it's good fun trying these things.  We once had a go at making dandelion and burdock after seeing it on River Cottage . . . . it was like drinking river sludge!   Maybe we should try that one again sometime because Hugh FW certainly didn't think it was like river water.

Yesterday was a momentous occasion in Oswestry as the Olympic torch came through.  We decided we ought to go along and have a look and were amazed at the crowds, never seen so many people in Oswestry.  As we walked down the alley to the main street the crowd started cheering - didn't realise they'd be so glad to see us!  We actually thought we had missed the torch, but needn't have worried this was just preparatory cheering.  What they don't show you on TV is all the flotsam and jetsam that goes along the street before the torch itself - endless minibuses, coaches, police bikes, people jumping around blowing whistles and trying to get the crowd worked up into a frenzy.  There was about 10 minutes of that before the torch itself and to my mind it spoiled it a little  not quite so poignant as a lone runner carrying the flame and hopes of our nation through our streets.  Still, I'm gald we went and it did raise a bit of patriotism in us.  It also worked well for us as we had to post a parcel and managed to sprint for the Post Office as soon as the torch went past and get there while it was empty and before all the people wanting car tax got there!

Yesterday was also quite exciting as Bob got a new toy. We went to look at chainsaws and unexpectedly bought one!  It is more powerful and has a bigger blade than the one I broke last week.  We had debated whether to get the parts and repair the other one and get a new chain and bar for it, but it does struggle with anything too meaty and we eventually decided that we'd be better to put that money towards a bigger one that should last us.  This huge beech trunk has been lying around since before we moved here, but we haven't been able to do more than chip bits off it.  Bob tried the new saw on it though and it went through like butter.  It is probably past being much good for furniture, but there's plenty of firewood there and we may get a chopping board or two out of it.

OK, once again it's time to go to work and I need to get changed.  The stairs are at the stage where I'll have to go up the first few stairs then swing round onto the ladder for the last bit and then do the opposite coming down again - makes life interesting.  Bob's getting a bit fed-up with these stairs I think as they're taking much longer that he thought they would.  It'll all be worth it in the end though as they do look lovely.

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