Saturday 2 June 2012

We had stairs!

Yes, just for a liuttle while we had stairs! Now, how flippin' exciting is that?  We did a dry run without gluing or screwing in place so we know the sequence when we do it for real and there is a time contraint because of glue, etc.  There are also some bits of brackets, wedges and so on to do underneath.  But, for about half an hour we had stairs you could (carefully) walk up and we could see for the first time what it was all going to look like.  Bob did tell me that he'd actually already put it all in place once and walked up them while I was at work on Thursday.  See, it's just like sending your baby to nursery when you go back to work and you miss the milestones like first teeth, steps, etc!  Anyway, it all looks lovely and it makes the landing space upstairs look much bigger.  It does make the kitchen a bit darker because it blocks the light from the rooflight on the landing.  I guess that's the price you have to pay for living in an old cottage with tiny windows.  Good job we changed the bulbs in the kitchen lights from 50w halogens to very low wattage LEDs . . . . . there are quite a lot of them and they are on for a lot of the time, so would have been expensive to run.

And here's what they look like from the kitchen.  There is another little piece to go at the top, but that can be slotted in after.  From the corner of the fireplace to the oak post will be a door to the junk cupboard, but you will see the underneath of the rest of the stairs.

Oh darn - time to go to work again!  Bob's off doing the annual hill walk by himself, in the rain.  It's actually only drizzling and there'll be loads of people doing the walk so he won't be alone, he's bound to bump into someone he knows.

As promised, here's the picture Ben took last week of the Peregrine - pretty good eh?

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