Sunday 28 April 2013

Slouched out!

We have now slouched.

Now we have proper things in the living room, it does show
that door up a bit - maybe we should change it d'ya think?
The other side of it is covered in all sorts of paint as it is where
we cleaned off our paint brushes - quite a work of art you know.
This little oak chest (which Bob made before we moved) is only
here as a temporary coffee table - we have a big lump of elm
to make into a coffee table.
We really weren't sure what size telly to get so we found
a likely-sized picture and put it in a bin bag to see what we
thought it'd look like turned off . . . take the bin bag off and
it becomes a telly turned on!  This could catch on you know -
the picture is probably more interesting than most of the stuff
that's on telly!
So, here's the real thing - took us all afternoon on Monday
to try and work out how to use it!  I have finished the curtain
for the other window, so it's nice and cosy with them drawn.
This cupboard was one of the pieces donated to the cause
by some friends and it fits brilliantly and looks just right.
It has been a strange week really - we are having to learn a new way of living again (like we did moving into the caravan, then again moving out of the caravan and now having more than one 'living' room).  This morning I heard Bob making a coffee before I came down, but then he wasn't in the kitchen so I just assumed he'd gone to the workshop, so I got on with unloading the washing machine, etc and then I found him relaxing in the lounge with his coffee - I didn't even think to look there!  We now have two woodburners to juggle and decisions about which to light.  As it's still quite chilly once the sun's dipped behind the trees,we light both!  The one in the kitchen is useful for cooking and heating water so that gets lit first, but after tea we don't keep it going, we light the other one for the rest of the evening.  We have to walk miles now to re-fill our wine glasses!  Do you think we should get a little fridge in there?!  It still feels a bit like a holiday cottage - we haven't put much in the way of nik-naks and pictures to personalise it yet.  We need to get the rest of our ornaments and pictures out, look at what's already out and have a good think about where everything goes and move things around.

It certainly seems strange not to have all our building paraphanaelia in the house anymore and we have to think where we have re-housed it to.  Where do we store the chicken food now?  Muddy boots, where do they go?  We like it really, don't worry, it's just strange.

So, now Bob's in the middle of making a second single bed for the oak room and should get that finished this week coming.  I have made the quilt covers for them both.  The second mattress should be delivered on Thursday, the second settee should be ready to collect on Wednesday and the second duvet is on order from M&S and should be in on Tuesday - we are using Ben's old mattress and bed which is longer than normal (he is 8ft tall!), so we have had to get a kingsize duvet for the length and then I'll cut it down to single width.

Couple of disasters this week - well, not disasters really just annoyances.  On Friday we went to Shrewsbury for lots of bits and pieces and to have lunch and got a parking ticket.  I sent the cheque off straight away so we only have to pay half, but forgot to put a stamp on - oops, they won't be impressed with that will they?  Yesterday I had the bright idea to dye the white quilt cover for the double bed because it is really quite boring.  I'd quite like to make a patchwork quilt for on that bed one day, but that could be some time off.  So I thought I'd dye it bright red and do some tie-dying into the bargain - cooool!  Just before lots of visitors seemed like a sensible idea to me!  I put three lots of dye in to make it a nice deep colour and spent ages trying to convince myself that the results weren't really pink!  There's no way round it though, it's definitely PINK, very PINK! So, today while Bob was off in Bolton looking at lathes I went back to Dunhelm (second time in two days) and was so thankful that they had lovely bright red quilt covers - phew!  Disaster averted.
On Friday we had an amazing rainbow which lasted
absolutely ages.  This picture really doesn't do
it justice - it was beautiful.
Back to work tomorrow!

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