When you are laying floor boards it is always recommended that you buy extra to allow for wastage - little bits you have to cut off so the boards fit, but are too small to use.
Bob's socks were either too fluffy or too dusty for doing this job - don't want sock fluff as a permanent feature of the floor! |
The little tiny windows are also in between the lounge and the two bedrooms. These were draft holes in the barns and we didn't want to brick them up, but obviously the bedrooms need privacy. So, we got a local glass artist to make little glass panels with coloured bits in so they are opaque. She also incorporated some of the original roofing nails into them. We got these years ago and kept them safe all the time we were in the caravan and through moving in until a few months ago when we broke one - oops!
We thought we might try and get a little candle holder on a spike that sticks into the wall for here . . . is that called a pricket? |
This window has a little light behind it and there was supposed to be another piece of glass on the other side, but that is the one we broke and so . . . . |
Today we've been doing some furniture restoration on a piece some friends gave us. It was supposed to be a fairly quick smarten up job, just sanding out some water marks then oiling and waxing it. Trouble is it just about fell apart when we took the drawers out and so we ended up pretty much taking it apart. It is now all sanded though and glued back together and in clamps. It shouldn't take long to finish it off and then it can go in one of the bedrooms.
Tomorrow we slouch!
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