Wednesday 16 October 2013

Double yolk

So, that huge egg that Peggy laid - I take back my comment about the yolk to white ratio in Horse's eggs.  This one was a double-yolker, so just the one egg was plenty for Bob's scrambled eggs - what a bargain!  That was the only double-yolker and Peggy's not back up to full production yet.  I think it is usually young hens who do the double yolk thing when they first start laying while they get their systems in order, so Peggy's obviously re-living her youth.

Our little holidy in a cottage in the country . . . . . mmmmm, sounds a bit like home-from-home . . . . was lovely.  The cottage was very nice, my only gripe was being charged extra for the electric and extra for heating and extra for towels.  It doesn't set you up well for your holiday I don't think and I'd rather they just sorted their price out so you don't have to think about those things.  The weather was better than I was expecting and everyone had said it was going to turn really cold and wintry.  We had lots of sun and were actually quite warm on our clifftop walks.  It was quite windy though which was brilliant because it made for good crashing waves.  I was really glad the wind was blowing in from the sea on some parts of our walks because they'd have been quite hairy if it was blowing the other way!  We had a real taste of the past one evening with a visit to Bessie's pub.  As many pubs used to be, it was just like a living room (still with its original 50s decor) and you knocked on the serving hatch to summon the landlady who poured your beer from a jug with a choice of one type.  The crisps were Golden Wonder - didn't know you could still get them (wish I'd checked the sell-by on them!) - and there was none of this fancy stuff like food.  The people all spoke Welsh, but not in any sort of 'keep the English out' sort of way and we enjoyed listening to them.  We actually understood a fair bit of it which I expect you are quite impressed by aren't you?  OK, I'll confess, the bits we understood were all the swear words - they seem to do that in English which is funny to listen to.  Another evening we went to a pub that could have been staight from the wild west with horses tethered outside.  It used to be a hotel which was thrown up quickly when the railway came to town and is made from red wriggly tin with sawdust on the floor and hams hanging from the ceiling.  It was really nice with a lovely atmoshpere and Bob had their specialty - faggots!

Yesterday, Ben came with one of his old school friends and we all went up to Liverpool to see another of their school friends play in a band.  It was really good (apart from the horrors of driving round a city which I'm just not used to anymore).  They played in a small club so no-one was far from the stage and, as they are just starting out, they had to sell their own merchandise at the end so we were able to ambush Adam and have a chat.  They get played on the radio a fair bit and seem to be doing quite well - Temples if anyone wants to check them out.  Funny to think he used to play in our paddling pool!

Look, I finished my chunky, snuggle jumper in
time for all the cold weather on holiday.  Didn't really
need it, but I'm quite pleased with it and it is
lovely and cosy.
This is our lastest 'crafting'.  We need some clocks but haven't
seen any we like without spending an absolute fortune.  So we
thought we'd do some 'upcycling'.  This is a piece of the old range
that was in the inglenook in our kitchen.  We have another part-made
which has a wooden stand and a hefty chunk of cast iron as the 'face'.
Trouble is we can't drill a hole in the iron to attach the hands to the mechanism
at the back so we'll have to ask a favour of our blacksmith friend next time
we see him.  I think, given the right outlet, these could sell quite well.
Mmmm, have to work on that one.

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