Thursday 3 October 2013

This'd make your eyes water!

Do you know, I sat down about a week ago to update this blog but ended up not doing because I really couldn't think of anything we'd done that was worth writing down and I thought it'd end up like I imagine (because I've never actually looked at either) tweets or Facebook entries would be.  Who wants to know what we're having for tea or what colour pants I've got on today?  No-one I'm sure . . . . . having said that though . . . . we're having our first meat and potato pie of the season which I'm really looking forward to because it is such a wet and miserable day . . . . . and my pants are red!  There, you wanted to know really!

Anyway, enough of all that!  I just wanted to show you this: -
Having only had one egg a day for quite a while, Peggy has suddenly started laying again.  Horse has reliably laid her little brown eggs day in, day out while Peggy had a rest while she moults.  Peggy is now fairly bald and looks very untidy, but rather than concentrating on feather production she has outdone herself with oversized eggs.  The one on the left is a Horse egg and would be classed as large by supermarkets . . . . that one on the right weighs 99g!!!  Try weighing one of your supermarket eggs and you'll see how much bigger that is.  Fair makes your eyes water doesn't it?  Having said all that, size isn't everything and I actually prefer Horse's eggs as the yolk to white ratio is better in my opinion.

So, that's all our news really - exciting isn't it?  I have next week off work and Bob has booked time off from his scaffold board furniture production so we can have a lazy week - luvverly.  We have a few days away booked in a cottage on the Welsh coast - hope the weather bucks up!

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