Saturday 22 March 2014


You know I was saying how lovely the weather was and how Springlike it felt . . . . well, when we opened the curtains this morning it was snowing!  Quite heavily too and in the time it took me to have a shower and get ready for work the garden had a thin white covering . . . . 

. . . . and here it is - can you believe it?!  Actually no - it did really snow and cover the garden this morning, but this picture is the view exactly one year ago today when it took us four hours to dig our way out so I could go to work.  Strangely, it was hot the week before this happened too and I got sunburnt shoulders in the 25 degree heat.  How bizarre, eh?

Bob and I have been doing some furniture-making together which is quite nice.  Almost a year ago, we were frantically trying to get the house ready for Mum and Dad bringing their friends from the Netherlands to stay and we needed an emergency coffee table.  We had a very burrey piece of Elm which we wanted to use, but didn't have time to do the rest properly so, as a temporary measure, we stuck some spare chair legs in it and dah, dah one coffee table.  Not actually ideal - when Ben was here at Christmas and wanted to move the table he picked it up rather than drag it so it didn't scratch the floor (what a good boy).  Course the legs promptly fell out and he was left with a surprised look on his face holding a table top complete with magazines, TV remote, etc while Bob and I fell around laughing.  

Since Bob is now making chairs again, he really needed the chair legs back and so we thought it was about time we finished the table properly.  We wanted an organic look as the top is very natural, but that certainly made doing the joints a lot harder with curves going in all directions.  We're really pleased with the finished article though and hopefully it won't fall apart again!

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