Sunday 2 March 2014

We're in business!

This is the stall which looks rather cluttered.  When we use
our own stall it has a back and sides so you can see the
wares more clearly without looking through to the next stall.
Mmmm, we may have to work on that.
I take it all back, people do just nip into town with the cash in their pockets to buy a chair! Yesterday we did the craft market at Ludlow as I mentioned last time. Although it was really cold, it was a beautiful day - clear blue sky and sunshine.  We were alright after about 11am when the sun had moved round and over the old prison building (a lovely old black and white building) and reached our stall.  It was a strange day all in all - we sold one card, one slate picture and a chair (all for cash) and the people who bought the chair were going to take it home with them on the bus!  We had a couple interested in a dining table and chairs, another wanting a coffee table made out of a Yew tree they'd had stored in their barn for 12 years and someone else who needed some Ash bending for the restoration of a pre-war Jaguar!  What a mixture.  I think, in a way, Bob was a bit shocked to have sold a chair - it was his showpiece (the one on the table in the picture).  Now he'll have to make another and he's not sure when he'll have time!  

Our other piece of news is that we have finally got round to building a website.  Its address is:

if you want to take a look.  It's way, way down on the Google search, so probably best to type in the whole address or use the link above.  We have more work to do on the site to make it more interesting, but just wanted to get something done so we have an address to put on the leaflets, etc.

We're having a lazy day today (after a very long day yesterday) and so I'm in the middle of making crumpets.  I've been meaning to have a go for ages and bought some crumpet rings way back last summer I think.  The woodburner is lit so we'll be able to cook them on the top of that.  I'm not sure that they're going according to plan as, just now, the mixture doesn't look anything like I'd expected it to from reading the recipe.  Well, we'll know in about an hour's time I guess!

We now have violets, primroses and snowdrops out up by our beer bench and the daffodils are so nearly ready to come out that I have to keep checking on them.  Don't think they'll be able to hold out much longer and then it'll really feel like Spring is here.
Look what Bob did!  180!!
That's good apparently and he had to leave the darts
in place for me to see when I got home from work.
Now, how do I know they were thrown not pushed?!

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