Sunday 3 October 2010

I've broken two finger nails!

Can you believe it, all this building work and I don't think I've broken a nail (and they're actually quite long for a builder!), then I break two in one day!  One was picking up a pencil from the toolbox and the other tucking in a throw on the setee!!!

Well, in between the weather, we've got all the layers except the chestnut cladding on the oak-frame bit including first-fix electrics.  It actually looks a bit like a real room in there - that's if you close one eye, squint, look in the right direction and ignore the chickens.  At the moment, the outside is covered in black plastic which is just as well because it rained so much last night that we had a moat all around the extension when we got up.  Bob has always said he'd like a moat and drawbridge, but I don't think he actually meant here!  The next couple of day's forecast looks OK so hopefully we will be able to put the waterproof breather membrane on, then battens and then get on with the cladding.  The membrane is really bright Simpsons yellow, so that'll look nice won't it?  It'll be an incentive to cover it quickly with the chestnut. 

I left a message for future renovators under the plywood exterior.  Funny, no-one can imagine the house they're living in and especially one they're building or renovating ever falling down, but I guess the people who built this cottage and those who lived in it for nearly 200 years could imagine it in the state it was when we bought it.  So, this message is just in case that ever happens again.  We would have been so excited to find a note or something from someone who'd worked on the house years ago.

We did some useful shopping and research during the monsoons this week and have bought some slate floor tiles for the bathroom (reduced), seen some tiles (also reduced) for behind the cooker, found a bath we quite like (half price) and also some lights for in the kitchen (can't remember if they were reduced or not).  We've also booked the plumber and electrician for mid-November which gives us quite a challenge.  Before they can get on, we will have to lay all the underfloor heating, screed all the floors and put up most of the studwork (partition walls and on the outside walls which have to be insulated).  At least none of that is weather dependent (nice to be able to mix the screed without having to stand out in the rain though), so we should just be able to get on with it.

We've just heard from some friends from where we used to live to say they are touring Wales for a few days and are calling here on Friday.  That's my birthday, so good excuse to go out for something to eat and a few beers.  They have a passion wagon (well, a van with a bed in the back) so, if they can find anywhere level to park, they can stay the night - or they could always kip in the caravan.  Mum and Dad are also coming for a few days from Sunday.  After staying for a week in horrible, freezing, foggy weather the first winter we were here, they now opt for bargain breaks at the local Travel Lodge!  One day we may actually be able to accommodate people comfortably which will be so nice.

Something to make you smile - yesterday our new neighbour from down the lane walked past with her dog on a lead and pushing a pushchair.  Didn't know she had a baby.  She doesn't - one of their three dogs, an alsation, only has three legs and has arthritis in two of the remaining ones . . . . . so she takes it for a walk in a pushchair!

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